Our Focus

A select structural solution is simply one that meets the needs of all the players on the design and construction team. For example, the structural drawings need to support the design as imagined by the architect but not at the expense of constructability expectations of the contractor. And, the most obvious criteria; if it doesn't meet the owners budget then there is no project. All of these considerations require some basic understanding of interests of the players involved and takes time to listen and understand the desirable outcomes of each person. Clearly, this not an attempt to do something new and different in the realm of project management. It's simply a concentrated focus to just do what's right for the project in a common sense manner; a focus on efficiency, economy, and most of all reality.

Our design philosophy places a good deal of attention on the contractor's desired methods of construction, sequence, and schedule. When you can meet the expectations of a specific contractor as a team player; the architect and engineering team can design a project that is specific to their level of expertise which simply results in good results.

Oftentimes this is an educational process between contractor and engineer as the building codes are frequently revised and updated, often requiring new and additional design considerations and components that have never been required in the past. It's understandable that old habits die hard and "the way it has always been done" should be the way it's done from now on. But, we are all getting used to the idea of living in a world of change. Select Structural Solutions aspires to be a benefit to the contractor by keeping those interests in mind and helping to bridge the gap between the old tried and true way and the ever increasing world of code updates, new regulations, and design procedures.

Give us a call; invite us to be on your team. At least you will know what to expect from us.